Monday, September 19, 2011

that 3 zebra cakes is too much

Okay, this blog is going to be a little pêle-mêle.

Last night, my friends threw a little going away get together.  I was informed (warned) there was going to be an overload of "American food," but I did not expect the smorgasbord that appeared last night:  Buffalo wings, mozzarella sticks, sliders, hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls, caramel/cheese popcorn, spinach artichoke dip, zebra cakes, twinkies and swiss rolls.  Wow.  I learned that there's a reason the zebra cakes are in packages of two. One is not quite enough, and three (in the past 24 hours) is just too many.

Anyway, thank you all so much!  The decor, theme song, friends and food were a lot of fun.  I'm going to miss you!

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