Monday, November 28, 2011

le mot "muscade"

Tonight I went to yoga with an American friend in Crest who has lived here for several years.  I mentioned that I promised to make a pumpkin pie for my 3rd grade class tomorrow.  She said that cans of pumpkin are among the American foods she stockpiles, and she's picking up some more when she goes home for Christmas, so she gave me a can of pumpkin!  Which led to....

My dilemma:
Save time and be sure that's it's going to taste like pumpkin pie and be something I'm not embarrassed to serve?
Or chance it with this mysterious wedge of "le courge" that I bought three days ago and save the can of pumpkin for myself and others who would truly appreciate it?

I went with le courge.

Wow, this looks like pumpkin puree!

Can of pumpkin looking on in disgust.  Muscade (nutmeg) passing judgment as well.

Well, they've never had pumpkin pie before, so I guess they can't really judge this no-brown-sugar-or-cloves-or-ginger-or-cardamom-probably-butternut-squash-rectangular-pie.
.....Right? :)

I was stressed out about making this, but now I'm more stressed out that my two other classes at this school are going to find out that I didn't make "pumpkin" pie for them.  That's okay.  They laughed at my Barney song.

It's 12:30 a.m. now. I just personified a can of pumpkin and some nutmeg, so I'm going to take that as a sign that I should probably go to bed soon.  Bonne nuit!

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