Wednesday, November 2, 2011

les mots "blingenzee links" and "blingenzee reichsts" (spelling?)

Fall break ended yesterday (I hadn't even been here a month and already got to go on vacation!), and I went on a road trip with three fellow language assistants.  The driver and owner of the car is German, so the GPS (le navigateur) spoke to us in German.  I heard "turn left" and "turn right" quite a few times.  We went to Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Nîmes.  It was great to see some more French cities, and splitting the gas/hotel bills between four people really cut down on costs!

Dashboard of a European road trip!

Avignon - Inside the Grand Chapel at the Palais des Papes

Avignon - At the top of the Palais des Papes

Avignon - Le Pont d'Avignon

Avignon - View from the bridge

And then I started taking diagonal pictures to keep things interesting.

Avignon - Look out!!  Lavender is BLOOMING!!!

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