Thursday, November 10, 2011

that I must appear to look like I have all of the answers

At least when I'm standing near the Valence train station.  A couple of weeks ago, I was waiting for a friend's bus to arrive.  A 16-year-old boy came up to me and I'm pretty sure he asked me for money because the bus was 4 Euros, and he didn't have enough.  Then a 10-year-old girl came up to me and said could she please use my phone because the train was running late.  I feel bad, but I said no to both of these children and walked away.

Yesterday, a woman asked me if I knew where the sheet protectors were in the paper aisle.  Then, I was back at the Valence train station, and a woman asked me where a certain bus was.  And then, an Asian man came up and asked if I spoke English (finally, a question I could answer yes to!), and he needed help finding the buses.  I actually knew the answer and pointed him in the right direction.

In other news, there is a chance I pronounce the word "white" incorrectly, but I can't hear it!  I was teaching four new colors (brown, white, black and pink) to the 5-year-old class, and I held up a flashcard and said "white."

The teacher stopped me and said, "You say 'white'?  Oh, we say 'white.' I guess we've been pronouncing it wrong!  Okay, 'white.' 'White'....


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