Thursday, November 3, 2011

that my favorite French TV show so far is called "A chacun son histoire"

One of the many highlights of this trip was that we had TV's in our hotel rooms!  Working TV's!  So, on the first night in Marseille we watched a couple episodes of "A chacun son histoire" (To each his own story).  The subject of one of the episodes was "Je m'aime trop et j'assume" (I like myself too much and I admit it.)  Too funny.  Hoping this show is available online because obviously I have quite a few to catch up on.

More highlights from Marseille and Nimes...

Marseille - Salade de Poivrons
Wanted to try authentic bouillabaisse, but we were all informed by a waitress that for the real stuff you have to make a reservation days in advance, and the bouillabaisse near the Vieux Port area is not the real stuff and it's too expensive.  So!  Opted for this salad.  Not before having a Dumb and Dumber moment (watch 0:15-0:30) with the waiter.
Me [in French]: What's the fish soup?
Waiter [in French]: It's soup... with... fish....
(I wanted to know what TYPE of fish, but anyway...)

Marseille - Cathedral

Marseille - Walking up the hill to Notre Dame de la Garde

Marseille - View of the islands we would be going to by boat an hour later from Notre Dame de la Garde

Marseille - Notre Dame de la Garde

Marseille - Inside Notre Dame de la Garde!

Marseille - View of Notre Dame de la Garde from the boat that we took an hour later

Marseille - A bay on the Ile du Frioul
Later that night, on the French national news, there was a story about how nice the weather was in Marseille that day, and they showed this exact spot!

Marseille - Vieux Port
Planning to print this one and hang it up in Chicago!

Nîmes - The water was dyed pink (?) for Halloween (?)

Nîmes - Me and the Maison Carrée

Nîmes - Tour Magne

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