Monday, March 5, 2012

les mots "chenille" and "cheville"

Today I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to several classes.  In one class, I showed the book to the teacher before we started class, and she said "Ah, oui, la chenille."  And then she said "Oh!  Caterpillar, like the brand of tractors!" (or something like that.)  Then she showed the Special Ed teacher in the room, and she also said, "Oh!  Like Caterpillar, the brand!"  Funny.  Then the teacher wrote "chenille" (caterpillar) and then "cheville" (ankle) on a piece of paper to show me how they are spelled.

Tomorrow, two of my morning classes are canceled tomorrow because most of the 5th graders in Crest are going to Paris for the day!  I think it's amazing that they're able to go there for a day trip considering how far we are from Paris.  According to Google Maps, the drive from the Valence TGV train station to Gare de Lyon in Paris would take five and a half hours!  With the high speed TGV train, they can get there in 2.5 hours.  They're leaving at 7 a.m. and getting back to Valence at 11 p.m.  It's a long day, but remember, they don't have school on Wednesdays!

I took this photo for two reasons.  One, because I recently decided to start taking photos of things I see everyday because I know I'm going to want to have them at the end of this year, and two, there was an almost empty Desperados beer bottle on the table in the teacher's lounge when I walked in at 10:30 a.m.  From what I gathered later on, a teacher had picked it up outside and set it on the table before throwing it out.

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