Monday, March 12, 2012

that the French like to shorten words

And in writing this post, I discovered that these types of words are called “apocopes.”

Examples include:
cet aprem = cet après-midi = this afternoon
l'ordi = l'ordinateur = computer
cinq heures du mat = cinq heures du matin = 5 in the morning
le petit déj = le petit déjeuner = breakfast
le déj = le déjeuner = lunch
Je suis dispo à… = Je suis disponible à… = I'm available at...
un prof = un professeur = a teacher
un appart’ = un appartement = an apartment
un ado = un adolescent = a teenager
un coloc = un colocataire = a roommate
comme d’hab = comme d’habitude = as usual

After I learned “l’ordi,” I’ve noticed that pretty much everyone says that instead of the full “l’ordinateur.”  Interesting!

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