Sunday, October 23, 2011

le mot "châtaigne"

I went to a chestnut festival today in Privas.  There were many variations of chestnuts for sale: roasted chestnuts, jars of chestnut butter, crepes with chestnut butter, chestnut jam, chocolate-covered chestnut paté, raw chestnuts, jars of chestnuts (plain or soaked in cognac), chestnut flour, little cakes made from chestnut flour... Oh, and of course, there was a booth where you could taste test horse meat.

So, a fellow assistant and I walked up to try it.  It was good... I don't think I could tell the difference if you gave me beef or cheval (horse).  So then, a journalist walked up and started interviewing us about horse meat and then the market.  I'm not exactly sure what I said... something about fruits and vegetables being cheaper here in France.  Then she asked us to try another piece of horse meat and she took our picture.  Long story short, I'm pretty sure we're going to be in the Privas newspaper next week.  She said she's going to mail us each a copy!

A picture of a journalist taking a picture of me.
Along with some horse meat grilling in the background.

This was across from the horse meat stand.

This was the activity for kids...making little characters out of vegetables!

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