Wednesday, October 12, 2011

that I picked up a Chicago accent at some point over the last three years

Today, I went to the big city and met up with some fellow language assistants.  We were talking about the upcoming Grenoble region orientation, and I said I thought it was funny that the organizers didn't tell us too much, but they made it very clear on the info sheet that we are supposed to bring socks and towels.  Another assistant goes, "Sacks? Like... bags?"

Then, went to Auchan, the huge Walmart-type store near Valence.  A British assistant showed everyone her favorite French candy that she was buying.  Then, I asked....
Me:  Oh, are they like Dots?
Her: Dats?

So, yes, apparently I have a Chicago accent.

Also, in case you were wondering, they sell Nutella in France.

Another funny thing today.  This is what the person sitting across from me ordered.  Ravioli is a pizza topping!

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